
Sunday 6 June 2021


Google search console Sitemap Index Appling system

Google search console Sitemap Index Appling system

There is Google search console Sitemap Index Appling system explains detail.

Google search console Sitemap Index Appling system. ( Because Now we need to our pages index Google search console Sitemap)

  1. Go to WordPress cms menu and click | SEO (Youst Plague) |. Then Click | General | and then Click | Features |. Then see the site map. If All page added, then go to Google search console.

  2. Go to ( Then We need to verify the website. (If it’s not verified.). First input domain and submit this. After submitting we got a verification code on the screen. Copy This code and Go to Cpanel.

  3. Go to ( And Click | Zone Editor |, Then click | Manage |, Then click | Add record |, then click | Add txt record |, then fill up a website and pest the code. And add.

  4. Now Go to the previous tab and Click | verify |. And Click done.

  5. After verifying, we click on site maps. Then fill up The site map link, this link comes from Number 1. ( and click add.


  1. How to Check What pages indexed by google from my website?                Answer: Site: (website) Example: (site:

If we need not index pages any pages: 

  1. Go to Google search console.

  2. Click | Larn more | and click | robots txt tester. Then select the website. 

  3. After selecting the website we got robots txt code.

  4. Now we need to write down the page’s URL. Formatting based on example. Example: (/its-me). Then we check all google chloral. If we see blocked then we copy the code and go to Cpanel.

  5. After coming Cpanel click | File Manager |, then find the | public HTML | in the left navigation. Then click a file which name | robots.txt |. 

  6. Click the mouse right button and click edit. Then click edit.

  7. Clear the code and paste the code which comes from number 4. And save.

  8. Now go to the previous tab following number 4, and submit then click submit.

If we need a clear URL from google:

  1. Go to google search console.

  2. Click | Removals | in the left navigation.

  3. Click | New Request | and write down the page URL what kind of clarity we need. Then submit.

Google analytics add on WordPress:

  1. Go to google analytic. And Click | create Propaty |, then follow instructions. Then create strim. 

  2. Now we got an HTML code then copy this code. Then go to WordPress.

  3. After coming into WordPress, we click on aference and then click theme edit. Now go to the theme header in the right navigator. And copy-paste the code following the code instruction. Then click upload file.

Google search console Sitemap Index Appling system

Written By: Md. Tamzid Ullah.


SEO On WordPress CMS

SEO On WordPress CMS

In This article, SEO On WordPress CMS applying system explains clearly step by step.

SEO Applying system on WordPress:

WordPress CMS(Content Management System):  

  1. Go to pages.

  2. Click Add a new page Or edit page.

  3. Add title.

  4. Add Content. And click publish.

  5. Go to Plugin. (Now we need to use Yoast Plugin For meta description.)

  6. Click Add new and search Yoast SEO. Then install and Click active.

  7. Click | SEO | in the laft nevigartion. (Because We need to configure Our plugin.)

  8. Click | General |. And Click | Configuration wizard | 

  9. If the website is new, we select Option B(This site is under construction. We will call google to index of search engine on our website later. Either select option A. Then follow these Questions and answer them about our website.

  10. Then Go to pages and customize as like as we want.

  11. Add meta description and Need All things.

  12. Go to Aquance and click | Maneu |. Then Mark the pages and click add to the menu. ( After complete all customization on the page).

  13. Go to setting and click reading and unmark | Search engine visibility |. (If We complete our website and decided to index of google search engine.)

  14. Go to the Permalink setting and select post name and save. ( Now we need to customize our website link.),( if it’s a new website.)

SEO On WordPress CMS

Written By: Md. Tamzid Ullah.

Friday 4 June 2021


HTML code for SEO





There is an HTML code for SEO. Who write down article about various HTML code for SEO.


1. <HTML>


<titel>Basd on keyword</title>



<h1>basd on keyword</h1>

<p> contant basd on keyword </p>



More code details in this website. (meta description and more tags are on the website.

2. add google analytic code in the website’s HTML code, which comes from the google analytics site. First, go to the google analytic site click | Tracking info |, then click | tracking code |, then copy the code and paste it after the <head> tag.


Written By: Md. Tamzid Ullah.


On-Page SEO


Step by step explains On-Page SEO In This article. And also has practical Examples.

On-Page SEO: (On-page SEO means change Inside the website.)

  1. Select a Keyword. Example: (Tamzid SEO)

  2. Selected  Keyword add the website link. Example: (

  3. Title added based on the selected keyword. Example: ( Tamzid SEO | SEO Specialist Tamzid |

  4. Meta description must be writing smartly uses the selected keyword.

  5. Add h1 tag based on the selected keyword.

  6. Content must be writing smartly based on the selected keywords.

  7. <Alt> text must be based on the selected keyword.

  8. Competitor analysis.

On-Page SEO

Written By: Md. Tamzid Ullah.

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